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Groundhog Day - Myth or Momentum

“You all know," said the Guide, "that security is mortals' greatest enemy.”

― C.S. Lewis, The Pilgrim’s Regress

Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that whoever reads it may run with it.

― Habakkuk, Old Testament Prophet, Habakkuk 2:2-3

Groundhog Day is fun to talk about, but to use it to plan the rest of your winter - not so much. I heard a statistic that Punxsutawney Phil accurately predicts the end of winter (or the prolonging of it, as the case my be) less than 50% of the time. So it is a total coin toss!

The tradition of Ground Hog Day started as a religious ceremony where candles were the star lit instead of a live ground hog. Local clergy would distribute candles and a blessing to help make it through the rest of winter. It was a compassionate and practical tradition.

When it comes to your future, what myths and traditions do you rely on?

I like to think of myself as man without ruts. The truth is, I have definite traditions, or ways of doing things. For instance, I have a few morning variations, mostly in the order I do things, but I always end up in the same places doing the same things at about the same time.

Lately I have tried to vary my routines by varying my goals. I was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend about what a successful day would look like as I was intentionally and diligently moving toward some goals. So I set up a wall calendar system to easily track if I was making progress. Well, actually, it might be a teeny bit complicated with 10 goals, each with a different color.

It is going well. I am making some progress spiritually, relationally, emotionally, vocationally… You are a recipient of this system as you read this blog, since blog posting and writing my new book on male friendships is on the wall chart!

Back to Punxsutawney Phil and your “ground hogs”:

  • What old traditions are you functioning under that are growing you?

  • What old traditions are you functioning under that are fluff - not moving you toward anything important or aspirational?

  • What old traditions should you hold onto because they bring comfort and support to your life - which are as important as dreams and aspirations - but that can also move you forward?

  • What new traditions you can add - seasoned by old ones? Not everything has to be a new wheel!

  • What new traditions are your relationships inspiring and who can help you by holding you accountable?

Punxsutawney Phil has been predicting the length of winter, and the mentality of hunkering down or amping up since 1897. What is determining the same in your life? Outside influences don’t have to decide when your ready to amp up. Dream and Do - You can dream and you can do. And let a friend know so they can encourage and celebrate with you!

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