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What Time Is it?

I am in the last half of my 55th year. I smirk at myself everytime I say this: “You’ll be my age before you know it.” It’s always directed as someone in their 20’s or 30’s. And when I say it I really mean it. I got this old really fast. I wished I had paid more attention to things - really taken note of things - the things related to people more than career, or love more than strategy, or moments more than agenda. I smirk because when I was in my 20’s and 30’s I thought it was thoughtfully cute when it was offered to me. I hope those I say it to now could take it more to heart.

My wife got this little poem yesterday. It’s making the social media rounds. No one knows who wrote it... I thought it was pretty good. It captures what I am trying to say to those younger than me. It captures what I am saying to those older than me. It captures what I want to say to myself. I hope you enjoy it.

Barely the day started and... it's already six in the evening.

Barely arrived on Monday and it's already Friday.

... and the month is already over.

... and the year is almost over.

... and already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed.

... and we realize that we lost our parents, friends.

and we realize it's too late to go back...

So... Let's try, despite everything, to enjoy the remaining time...

Let's keep looking for activities that we like...

Let's put some color in our grey...

Let's smile at the little things in life that put balm in our hearts.

And despite everything, we must continue to enjoy with serenity this time we have left. Let's try to eliminate the afters...

I'm doing it after...

I'll say after...

I'll think about it after...

We leave everything for later like ′′ after ′′ is ours.

Because what we don't understand is that:

Afterwards, the coffee gets cold...

afterwards, priorities change...

Afterwards, the charm is broken...

afterwards, health passes...

Afterwards, the kids grow up...

Afterwards parents get old...

Afterwards, promises are forgotten...

afterwards, the day becomes the night...

afterwards life ends...

And then it's often too late....

So... Let's leave nothing for later...

Because still waiting see you later, we can lose the best moments,

the best experiences,

best friends,

the best family...

The day is today... The moment is now...


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