Have you ever heard someone who thought they had a good voice sing - and they were a little pitchy. In other words, they could sort of sing, but they were just a little off?
Sometimes I think people have pitchy priorities. They have priorities, but they are a little off, and so is their life.
Your present reality is the cumulative effect of your priorities! Where have yours led you?
Do you believe that? I do.
While not everything that comes my way is my choice, I do get to be the one who responds to it. My response is almost always influenced by my priorities.
Priorities are the filter we live our life by - what we let in and what we keep out.
Priorities are influenced by what we spend our time thinking about and what we spend our time doing?
If you did a quick inventory of what you spend most of your time thinking about and doing, what does that reveal about your priorities?
Are you comfortable with the list?
Are you comfortable with the outcomes?

Recently, I received an email from a man I didn't know. He is from another part of the state I live in. He was reaching out to ask if I was available for some conversations - about his life and how things are going there. We chatted on the phone and have exchanged an email. We are making plans to talk regularly.
Two things stood out for me:
He doesn't have a man he can reach out to that feels safe enough, so he reached out to a stranger.
Too may men don't have anyone they can talk to about the real things in their life - the things that bind them up and the things that mess them up.
He has a great set of priorities.
He was intentional about resourcing himself for better emotional and spiritual health.
Where have your priorities taken you? Are you good with where you've arrived?
Are you talking to another guy or two about your priorities on a regular basis?
If the answer to my first question is even "maybe", then take some steps today. Evaluate your priorities and reach out to a guy friend to talk about them!