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Eventually Starts Now!

Procrastination is on the rise - not just because there are more distractions. Procrastination is on the increase because our minds are on the decrease.

Procrastination is all about what you are thinking.

What are you thinking?
What you are thinking could be holding you back or moving you forward.

I really wanted to write about procrastination sooner than this, but I kept putting it off.

Most people agree that procrastination is a bigger problem that it used to be. Most people who are waiting for something to change in their life are a little poorer, a little fatter and a little more discontent than they were a few years earlier.


Procrastination is not on the increase because there are more distractions, even though there are. Procrastination is on the increase because of some basic problems in our thinking.

Procrastinators may have problems with:

  • Self-Regulation – Many times procrastination springs from emotions like fear (of failing or of succeeding) or too heavy a reliance on inspiration (which could be mostly absent or just a little lacking). Good self-regulation manages behavior, emotions and thoughts with the long-term in mind and does not solely rely on emotion and inspiration.

  • Decision Making – Not making a decision releases the procrastinator from the results of a decision. We should try to remember that not making a decision is a decision.

  • Partial Honesty – Procrastinators tend to tell themselves only parts of the truth about their busy schedule, their relationships, their health… Focus on more of the truth of the procrastination. “Why am I putting this off?” “Am I afraid of something?” “Why am I even thinking of doing it in the first place?”

  • Instant Gratification– We are so used to getting what we want or need as soon as we want or need it. If the pay-off is not within the next few minutes, we give in to something that can make us feel good in the short term. Invest in your future – even if the future is only a few hours away.

Being Braver and Stronger - a real story

This morning I met with my band of brothers. We meet every Friday – we have for almost 15 years. A couple them recently started hiking three mornings a week – for health reasons.

One of my other friends was listening with that look: “Crap, I should do that too!” He said, under his breath so no one could hear him , “Eventually”. He was busted. I was watching him. And I heard him. I outed him – sensitively and boldly. “Eventually!”, I said. “Eventually starts now!”

We knew what he was thinking. He needed to get a little more fit to keep up with them. We all encouraged him to let that go. The hike is in his neighborhood. He won’t get lost. If they hike faster than him, he won’t get teased (at least not a lot…) Since the hike is an out and back, if he got too hot or too tired, he could wait for them to catch him on the return.

All of the reasons a person procrastinate were being lived out before our eyes. With a little encouragement, hopefully within the next few mornings, my friend will join he buddies for a brisk morning hike that will impact his day, and then another, and another. And he gets to hang out with some cool guys to boot!

Quit Procrastinating. Eventually starts now!


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