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Chasing Rabbits

Last week I got to spend some time with my family in Idaho. I was there to help my sister with some things around her house. I am not a handyman by any stretch of the imagination - I lack the skill and the desire… But I am a bit of a brute, so I was able to do some brutish labor for her. At the end of the trip, I got to do a fun run with my 13 year old nephew. He is a burgeoning cross country runner - doing really well running against his peers. His skills are reaching beyond his peers - I got to see it first-hand. As we started the fun run, He got right into the front of the start line without hesitation. As the start gun went off, he started running strong and remained strong through the end. He beat EVERYONE - people his age and people my age and everyone in-between.

It was also one of my fastest runs. I came in second in my age category. In full disclosure, I was second of two in my age, but I still ran faster than usual! It was a short run - 2 miles. But it was a faster 2 miles than I usually run - maybe ever. Why? Because my nephew was in front of me. I could see him in the distance for most of the race. It created an inspirational incentive for be. In the running world, he was my rabbit! I chased after him - I kept him in my view - I ran faster.

Recently, I was able to hire a new pastor at my church. He is also a rabbit for me. He has a lot of potency and he has a fast pace. I have been refreshed by his outlook. I have been inspired by his vision. I have been honored by his respect. I have been challenged by his questions for our church and for me personally. He has helped me pick up my pace!

Chasing an inspirational rabbit does some great things for our pace:

· The pace is faster - We move more quickly.

· The pace is focused - We move toward something

· The pace is sustainable - We can keep going

· The pace is fun - We enjoy it

· The pace is challenging - We put effort into it

· The pace has purpose - We end up in new place

Before the new pastor joined our staff, my “running” was pretty good. But now I am picking up the pace - and I like it.

We should all be on the watch for our inspirational rabbits!


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